Sunday 25 September 2011

Boy Sitting

Sunday Sep 25
Sara and Mike left for the airport and their flight to Sydney at 7.15 a.m. The flight to the wedding was free, courtesy of Sara's air miles. They're staying the night, back early evening to-morrow. Unfortunately both boys were up early too but ensconced in the media room, playing games. Harry must have slept himself out after his sickness, no sign of that to-day.
Josh chose to accompany us to Cole's in Kenmore Village to do the shopping, very helpful again - but he was well rewarded with a packet of Mentos and some Lynx (!) deodorant.
Both boys love chicken, a bought ready-cooked chook did for lunch  and Harry's tea - he didn't want lamb cutlets.
Mojo has spent his time following us around, it's usually Mike. He chases round the garden like a mad thing, especially if any Bush Turkeys appear. His favourite toy at the moment is a Nike football which he is trying to destroy.

The most stressful part of the day was taking Mojo to the dog park. It was packed with dogs of all sizes, mostly mongrels. very friendly but just too many of them, probably 25+ in only a moderate sized area. We beat a retreat after after 20 minutes. Throwing a ball for Mojo ended up with a mass chase which he didn't win. At least the other dogs retrieved the ball, brought it back and let go. It took Pam and her stick to pin Mojo down - well the ball anyway, so that Josh could grab it.

The delightful fluffball, so good natured and tolerant. Sara's threatening to have him trimmed this week, he gets terrible tangles, twigs and debris entwined, which he loathes havoing removed. Neither is it successful. With summer coming, he could do without his long fur coat anyway.
When Mojo started mounting another dog, we decided to leave.
After dropping them off at home, Pam and I returned to a small park where 23 Galahs were feeding. The sun was low and at the wrong angle for photography. We were only away for 10 minutes......Josh and Mojo were waiting inside the garage doors as they rolled up - we have a remote and are parking in Mike's space.
Shopping for Sara's birthday present in Indoorpilly Mall is planned for the morning, the boys haven't bought anything yet. They got their cards done this afternoon.

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