Friday 30 September 2011

Aussie Birders

Friday Sep 30
Beautiful morning. Guess where we went? Gold Creek Road. We were a little later than is best, gone 7 by the time we arrived. The shorn Alpacas were visible to-day, odd looking beasts.

In a paddock along the way, a family of Variegated Fairy-Wrens were flitting through a large Lantana (marmalade plant) bush. The usual flocks of marauding Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Cattle Egrets and fly through Cormorants, not much else apart from Magpie-Lark and the pretty Wood Ducks found country-roadside but shy.

Wood Duck

Stopping to see why there was a birder in a small paddock the other side of the hedge, another appeared and the pair made their way to the roadside. Two real Aussie birders at last. Newly returned from Darwin. They invited us under the wire and into the paddock, private land but they have  permission to go in.
Very wet underfoot but Scarlet Honeyeaters made up for that. Small Warbler-sized Honeyeaters which flit through Callestemon feeding high upon the Bottle Brushes.I took a few photos including the one below.One of the loveliest Honeyeaters, such a beautiful colour.

We explored another road, Hillbrook, which climbed steeply off Gold Creek, nearer to where the Bell Miners were tinking, before turning for home and breakfast.
Slight hiccup.....The upstairs loo door is very tight when shut close to. I did so, couldn't open it and spent some time singing 'Oh dear what can the matter be, this old lady's locked in the lavatory' before I was released by Pam putting her shoulder to the outside. She thought it was very funny.
The rest of the day was taken up with Anne-Marie's visit to advise re the garden. She's the Real Estate Agent who sold them this house and quite a character - but not too much use re the garden. She did identify a partially hidden Mango Tree which is in good flower....
Pam and I shopped for Sunday's dinner which I'm cooking, Sara and Josh took Mojo for a walk - we dropped them off at the dog park - and Mike went to Bunnings to buy a wheelbarrow and probably something called an Alligator which cuts through everything. He'd love that.
Now, I've promised Josh a game on the Wii.

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